Gigs and community What is Gigs?
What is the Gigs Community?
What Gigs communities can I be part of?
What are the benefits of joining the Gigs Community?
I’ve just joined the Gigs Community – what happens next?
What types of gigs will be available?
What gigs are available at the moment?
How will I find out about opportunities?
Sign up process How do I register my interest in doing gig work with
I’ve worked with before, do I need to sign up?
Do I have to complete my profile?
My application to the Gigs Community was rejected, what should I do next?
How can I edit my profile?
How can I delete my profile?
Application process How do I apply for an opportunity?
What happens once I’ve applied?
Will I need to complete an assessment?
My application has been successful – what happens next?
I received a new opportunity alert but can no longer find the opportunity on the platform?